About me
How I got Started -
Since I was seven years old I started playing the drums, I was having drums lessons at school at the time and wanted to get my first drum kit. My Mum and Dad were unsure at the time whether they wanted to cash out on a drum kit (they just didn't want the noise) so they took me to one of the music shops in Norwich and I played a basic drum beat to show them what I had been learning. They were surprised at what I could do and this persuaded them to get me a drum kit. We managed to find a bargain on Facebook marketplace for £150, with sticks included, practice pad, and a of course the drum kit, being a Mapex Tornado in Burgundy and this is how I got started.
From ages 8-16 -
At 8 years old my brother released a video of me on YouTube called the 'Christmas Drumming Elf', it is still on YouTube and it is just me playing the drums in an elf costume (I was made to do it), this was probably my first bit of good progress and from there I went on to starting my grades with Rock-school. The grading system for Rock-school goes from Grade 1-8 with you being able to either fail, pass, get a Merit or Distinction. I started on Grade 1 and ended up getting a, and then went on to work my way up throughout the years whilst skipping a few as you don't have to do all of them.
Whilst I was doing the grades from junior to high school I had my first couple of school performances, performing at carol concerts, open days and I done this with one of my mates Rosario whom played the guitar and sung. We worked very well together and that was where I started to build my confidence with playing in front of people!
What have I been doing recently (16-18) -
At 16 years old, I left high school and joined Access Creative College doing a Level 3 Music Performance Diploma. I developed my knowledge on music and being able to perform in general. I started to get into different bands, playing different types of music, going to recording sessions and rehearsing almost every week and I am still doing these things now. I will share some of my photos and videos from gigs on my 'portfolio' page which you can find on the navigation menu.
A big part of my journey so far has been having the opportunity to be 1/4 of 'Decades Apart', playing with experienced musicians and being able to gig regularly has boosted my confidence a lot whilst being able to have a fun night doing what I love doing!
I got graded a Merit overall for my Music Performance course and I managed to get Grade 8 at a Distinction when I was 18 years old.

19 and going into 2025 -
From when I turned 19 in April 2024 I have been getting regular gigs and have been continuing to rehearse weekly. I have also been working on this website over the last couple of months of 2024 to get ready for my launch of drum lessons!
I had a New Years Eve gig and a Rockabilly gig on the 4th January 2025 which you can take a browse at on my portfolio page!

- Gabby Rivers
Independent original upbeat indie/alternative artists from Norwich
“Sam is a hard working and talented drummer, he is dedicated and puts a lot of time and effort into his craft. His technical skills means he can reach many goals and work successfully with a large group of musicians, along with his lengthy portfolio he is still on the rise and I highly recommend for session work”

- Harry Green
Guitar and vocals from Jenny and the Hotshots.
“Sam is a true professional in his craft spending hours and hours perfecting his sound and fills, to work with him is a blessing as he's always in the pocket looking for his next fill to add an additional layer to the music, if I were to choose anyone I'd choose Sam”

- Kyle Adams
Vocals for the Marijanovic.
“Sam’s ability to, not only, learn and play any style of music, but to fully understand what it is he’s playing is truly unmatched. He is one of the most hardworking, talented and passionate players I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Sam has played for me for a number of years and still, every time I hear him play I am blown away. He isn’t just an incredible drum player, he is an incredible musician. His music knowledge is absolutely outstanding. Besides all that, he is a great friend and an amazing person to be around”
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